Friday, March 21, 2014

★BTS★ Suzumiya Haruhi 涼宮ハルヒ Cos Shoot (◡‿◡*)❤



Are you healthy? 

I'm trying to write more Japanese on here! mainly to practice my langauge because I may be going to Kyoto for exchange this coming fall (if everything goes well) ;3 

FYI, I'm currently taking Japanese 3 hehe. But my oral skills are still..ちょっと。。^^; xD


Fight!! ^^

This is the anime we are cosing: (I do not own any of the images)

涼宮ハルヒ The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi

Here is a video of the song God Knows.. so addictive!! I keep playing it hehe x3
Anyway, we got the idea to cos because of our Japanese studies project module! Post war film and anime~ we were doing research on the anime so it kinda happened naturally..
#passionateaboutourmod ヽ( ´∇`)ノ 

Just to recount what happened on that day! xD

Had to meet the others at 11am but as usual was late ^^;; sorry guys!!! T_T And we actually spent 1 hour in the toilet dressing and fixing our wigs z_z Reason being my skirt was quite loose then need to safety pin! wanted to tie high twintails but the wig became quite messy! (>。<;)y-  Anyway, it was supposed to be a fun shoot! (ー∀ー;)

Poor siongthye and nengwei (our manager and photog) had to wait outside haha (°o°:) 


So grateful to Amber for cutting the red ribbon for Mikuru's costume and helpIng me tie my wig~

A pity Eleanor couldnt buy a wig on time for the shoot though :( We need a Nagano!!(*゚Å゚;*)

With Amber!! A very crazy Haruhi ~

I was laughing at all the shots we took ;3 reason being she gives epic expresions and funny poses!

Messy wig after the shoot haha ;3

With Nengwei and Amber! Photog so must pose with the camera~ ^^v

Thank you Siongthye (our manager LOL) and Nengwei (our photog) for helping us!! Really really grateful to both of you!


Havent received the photos from the shoot yet, will upload once i finished editing yay ^^




Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ageyo sal x natural puppy eyes girly look

Hello everyone!

I saw this eyemake tutorial awhile back on tumblr so I thought I'll share it with you all^^

ふつくりキラキラ "sparklng tearbag"

also known as the puppy eyes look~



♥Green circle lenses
♥For the ageyo sal look-
♥Use a white & brown eyeshadow to highlight and shade your eye pouch~ 
♥Upper eyelids- light pink white eyeshadow x one dark brown (blend)
♥Dark Pink x choco brown eyeshadow at the bottom ends of your eyes(draw them curved to give the illusion of bigger rounder eyes to give out the innocent & moe eyes feel)
♥Draw a thin line using the sharpest eyeliner
♥Brighten inner corners of eyes to make your eyes look brighter.
♥For eyelashes, focus on those that create roundness to your eyes, comb bottom lashes with a mascara 

Face make

♥Contour nose (as straight as possible) use brown to shade the bottom part to create a cute button like nose.
♥Highlight features
♥Contour sides of face with shading powder to give a v shape look
♥Blusher at the top corners of your cheeks to create a dolly look
♥Baby pink lipgloss (Melliesh series by Yui can create this look)

Just my own observations, they are by no means fullly accurate to achieve the look x3



Sunday, March 2, 2014

Diamond lash dolly eye review (๑◕ฺฺܫฺ←๑ฺ)

Hi everyone! ♡♥(。´▽`。)♥♡

おげんきですか?(Are you well?) ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ

Going to do a review of Diamond Lash Dolly ドリ Eye today~!!!

Pic cr: Rakutan Global 

It's part of the pink series~ It was released quite long ago already so at that time i brought it, it was ranked 1st among readers on POPTEEN! ^^

I wore it out for the shu umera aassignment! Thanks Kelly for the intro (o^ ^o) /

Pictures of me wearing them xD

Twintails~~ ^_^




Eye enlarging effect: ♡♡♡♡

Comfort: ♡♡♡

Design: ♡♡♡♡

Price: ♡♡♡♡ 

I really love this pair of eyelashes!! (◕ฺ ▿ฺ ◕ฺ) It's really good for creating round dolly eyes and look natural at the same time;3 I guess the only downside is that it's not very comfortable to wear! But really pretty^^ You can get 5 pairs retailing at $23.90 in Watsons xD

What do you all think? ♪

